Raytek Semiconductor commits to comply with the requirement of ISO 9001 and related regulation, improves our quality management system to achieve customer satisfaction thru the planning and implementation of following principles,

  • Service Oriented
  • Excellence Striving
  • Flexible response
  • Quality Leading


  • The factory is built up according to domestic safety and NFRA regulation, continuously training our employee to have spontaneous safety reaction,
  • All construction material, raw material, equipment will be selected based on the consideration of energy-saving and environment protection. From system design to routine operation, completely implement 3R policy (Reclaim, Recycle, Reuse) on water usage to reduce the waste. Even the cleaning water in the process could be 80% recycling, other chiller water and cooling water is designed in a close loop, not only to save but also recycle the energy.
  • Raytek is a humanity oriented company – we build up a working environment for human care, responsibility for CSR, and we are charted for green production and everlasting operation.