Contact Us

Get in touch

Raytek Semiconductor,Inc.

  • TEL:886-3-5971111
  • FAX:886-3-5971135
  • Add:5F., No.12, Guangfu N. Rd., Hukou Township, Hsinchu County 303, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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Sales / Technology Inquiry

If you need any inquiry of Sales service or product technical consultant, we would be very glad to serve you, please contact us as followed,

  • Email: ,or

  • Dial us: 886-3-5971111, then ask operator transfer it to Sales division.


“Make your career life more colorful starting from today!” We welcome you to join us to be a WLP expert! Please contact us as followed,

Any other service

If you have any inquiry for EICC or CSR, please contact us as followed,

  • Dial us: 886-3-5971111, then ask operator transfer it to General Affair department.